Friday, March 12, 2010

See it to the end.

Well I didn't make it one week without watching a movie. What movie? Sherlock Holmes. It was pretty cool actually.

I think my main thought is that I watch tv a little too much. I think instead of creating and doing something, I dissapear into the world of tv. I can remember doing the same thing when "Friends" was on. I would skip out on homework.

I think part of it is laziness and part of it is fear of how hard life can really get when you dig down in the trenches. Working on what could be called your dream is a lot harder and more a grind that you think it could ever be.

A lot of acting and being on stage comes from hours and hours of rehearsals, memorizing lines dissecting words written by a smart man. Let's say you want to try to be the man that writes, well that's hard too. Everyone in the world can write and at some point wants to write a script.

I think the final difference is between the people who just write and never finish and the people that see it to the end.

It's probably the same with anyhting....acting, writing, painting, becoming a pastor, teaching, etc.

Dear Lord I want to be someone who at least finishes something worthwhile.

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