Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I am a superhero

I am dressed like Clark Kent but I am really Superman. I am a superhero with powers that are dormant. It's hard to learn what your powers are, then on top of that to find out how to use them.

This explains why I am frustrated with regular circumstances. Why should I pretend to be ordinary when the whole time I have the power to change my surroundings. The best way to function is to be who God created me to be. To hide under civilian clothes the whole time is fake.

Regularity frightens me because it's not who I am. If I don't use my superpowers then I am a lousy superhero. There is something in me waiting to react to my initiative. Then it will take over and life will no longer be the same.

The planet you put your feet on can look completely different. But only if you are willing to become who you are made to be.

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