Friday, February 03, 2006

born creativity, heart beat, blood...real creativity

So LA is full of traffic. People are in the same city but so far apart from each other. Driving to get somewhere in LA and somewhere in life. Where are they going?
Once again I am no longer in a secure place. Buildings and roads swallow me whole, trying to blend in the whole human race to look the same. But inside each person is born creativity, heart beat, blood... real creativity.
Mosaic feels this. I am here at Mosaic for a small piece of life. I am here to change the setting in the way i can. Sparks of electric creative conversation come from my lips. I don't want to be a someone who sits around waiting for the clock to change. I will move and change the time, my time that I've been given.
2 months is probably not the time it takes for me to change this place but enough for it to change me. I just realized that It might be the same way with life...I might not be here long enough to change the whole world but long enough to form and change me. i could be wrong.
I need God to change me.

Dan B

1 comment:

Marcus said...

You're cool Chef, and by cool I mean totally sweet. Keep being awesome for Christ, peace foo!
