Friday, February 24, 2006


There are so many choices that run through my head but how do I sort through them? Can I figure anything out...I have to constantly paint to see what will emerge from my hands. Because what I paint could change the world. I'll have to sketch and sketch before masterpieces are invented.

There is so much to explore in my mind that I have to constantly run through it. I have so many desires that it becomes like exploring cave after cave. All with caveman art all over them that I want to figure out what they say. But then I have to move on because the caves go on forever and I will never move if I stay trying to decipher each drawing and grab hold of every single meaning.
Carry a torch to reveal the art, carry a light so I don't trip and fall.

The poet David says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires in your heart". I guess I have to start here. Don't get confused by the miles ahead, just start here. Don't worry about falling down, just start running. Don't try and stop because there's so much more.

Maybe one day I'll show everyone these caves. People will be in awe, and it will reveal to them that they have caves of their own. So much to explore, why stop where you are? Don't try to understand everything. I'm a pioneer.
(if this doesn't make any sense then you don't have to read it or like it)

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