So 14 days ago I had shoulder surgery to fix my "labral tear". Today I'm sitting in my apartment with the rain sort of trapping me in. I can't go out and audition, I can't do any improv. I can't go to acting class.
So what CAN I do? I think about writing. But I don't write. So that's why I started "blogging". Something I started 6 years ago and never worked on it.
So here are some ideas I'd like to flesh out.
1. Meditation
2. Sketch writing- should I take some writing class?
3. Acting- how long should I keep doing this? I'd love to do it forever. But I just got married a year ago, I know some time I might have kids. And when that does happen I'd like to have the time to raise them. Instead of working at Starbucks all day long then coming home and not having any energy or time to act. It would mean giving up on those dreams. So in the mean time I'll pray and follow God's lead.