Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rollercoaster ride

As of now I am currently working at the fine establishment- Starbucks. I am also living in Gainesville, Florida with my now thrice roommate. It's basically an adventure. Home is a dull town that I am trying to stay away from. No offense, but I don't want to be the statistic of college kids coming home after they've graduated.

My goal is to go to seminary for the next semester. But I honestly don't know if they'll let me in. Maybe I'm not ready for it.

In May I went to New York for two weeks, then Seattle for two months, then I stopped by slow Shreveport, now I'm in Gainesville. It's been quite the rollercoaster ride. I never know what turn will be next but I've got my arms up and I'm ready to puke....because what kind of rollercoaster ride is fun when you don't get sick to your stomach?

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